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Suburbs with the largest rent increases in the past year

The cozzie livs is HECTIC. How are y’all coping? Morning coffees, grocery bills and rent just keep going up. You know what hasn’t gone up? My serotonin. Sarah Tonin? Who she? Image via Depop Dr...

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Your Guide to Moving to Australia and Finding a House Once You Get Here

Come backpacker, international student, grey nomad or traveller, here’s what you need to know if you’re moving to Australia (and want to unpack). At Flatmates we’re proud to welcome a Kaleidosco...

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Your Flatmates social distancing sanity guide

You and your flatmates are stuck at home. You’ve watched everything on Netflix, Tiger King memes no longer bring you joy, you tried a share house Tik Tok and failed miserably and the House Party ap...

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Welcome back international students! Your guide to Australia's state border restrictions

Hey there, international student. It’s been a long while. How are you doin’?! From December 15, international student visa holders who are fully vaccinated with an approved vaccine are able to trav...

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The unspoken rules of share homes

If you’ve lived in a share house for any length of time, you’ll know there are certain unspoken rules that flatmates generally follow. Life in a share house can be a hoot and and it can also go kap...

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Student accommodation is back on the cards for South Australia

International students are set to return to Adelaide in a pilot seen as the country’s first attempt at a post Covid-19 recovery. So a big hello to our student accommodation providers, it’s time to ...

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How to live your best life on the cheap

Adulting is HARD, especially when you’re share housing and have to remain social, eat good food, pay your rent, do your chores, water your plants, catch up with friends, get good grades, drink wate...

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Flatmates 2020 Secret Santa Gift Guide

The time has come for you to get your best Kris Kringle/Jenner on and give some pressies to your flatmates. Whether they’re a full out greenie, foodie or gadget fan, we’ve got you sorted. And if yo...

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5 tips on how to make your share house environmentally friendly

We all know we should reduce, reuse and recycle. But when you live in a share house, it can be hard to maintain your best eco warrior ways. Check our guide below on how to make your share house shi...

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2021 National Share Accommodation Survey Results

Over 9000 sharers told us what life has been like in a share house during the pandemic and the results were pretty scary y’all! Lockdowns and the pandemic caused many Australian sharers to exper...

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The Flatmates guide to getting a share house pet

Ah, the joys of pet ownership. The cuddles! The snuggles! The cuteness overload! Until comes the annoying af couch scratching, chewing and fur overload. Before you take the plunge into pet ownershi...

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