Payment Terms and Conditions


Payment safety and security

Your details are safe on We use 256-bit encryption, meaning your password, card details and all other content is secure. We do not store any credit card details. All payments on are one-off and are processed by Stripe who are backed by NAB in Australia. We are an Australian owned and registered company who abides by the laws and policies of Australia.

Mobile number access

For the protection of our members, you must verify your own mobile to access another member’s number. Allowing access to your mobile number is optional, and therefore, not all listings will have a number available.

Held messages

If you have sent or received any messages that required Early Bird access these are held until you upgrade, as soon as you upgrade all these messages are released.

30-day Guarantee

We are so confident that you will find the room or flatmate you are looking for in 30 days on your Full Plan that if you don’t, we will give you another 30 days for free. The guarantee will be applied automatically by our system to active accounts two days prior to your paid Full Plan expiring. To qualify for this guarantee, you need to have at least one (1) property and/or person listing with at least one (1) photo, active on the site. This guarantee does not apply to members who are continuously short term renting properties or rooms. If your account is inactive, you must apply to Flatmates for the guarantee within 7 days of your plan expiring at
Should your guarantee not apply and you believe it should have, please contact us at


‘Boost’ is a plan that allows an upgraded member to place their property listing in the top eight room search results for that property’s suburb for a period of seven days. There is a limit of eight boost places per suburb at any one time. Only members on an upgraded plan (basic, full, pro) will be eligible to purchase ‘Boost’, and only if allocation is available for their suburb. Only the property the ‘Boost’ is purchased on will be boosted. Once successfully purchased, a boosted listing will sit in one of the top eight room search positions of the suburb the property is listed. The display ranking amongst boosted listings will be based on the property that was first boosted. All search filters will continue to apply to a boosted listing, and the boosted listing may not show if search filters that exclude the property is applied or while the listing is undergoing any security checks. After the boost expires, the listing will be ranked along with other non-boosted listings.


Access to upgraded services on is instant and upgraded members will receive immediate access to these benefits. Therefore, cannot offer a refund on upgraded packages. If a loss of service to occurs then compensation will be in the form of an extension of your membership and not a refund. If a member is blocked from due to a breach of our terms of use then that member forfeits the remainder for their membership and no refunds will apply.

COVID-19 recognises the uniquely challenging times that Australians are facing. Effective immediately, any users on a “Basic” or “Full” Upgraded Service may pause their Upgraded Service for a period of up to three months. The user may resume their Upgraded Service at any time during those three months. Upon resumption of their Upgraded Service, the remaining term of the Upgraded Service not yet used as at the time of suspension will commence. An Upgraded Service may not be paused more than once and may not be paused if the Upgraded Service is being provided to the user during a 30-day “guarantee” period in accordance with clause 3.4(c) of the Terms and Conditions of Use. This offer only applies to any users on Upgraded Services plan that are active as at 27 March 2020. Any unused portion of the Upgraded Service that is paused will expire automatically at the end of the 3 month period if the Upgraded Service has not been resumed during that time.

Promotion periods has the right to host promotions on their plan pricing at any stage. Any discounted price will commence at the time a promotion begins and will expire at the stated end time of the promotion. Flatmates reserves the right to extend plans beyond the set expiration date, or to end a promotion early for any reason. Plans purchased at full price in the days leading up to the promotion period will not be refunded. Members can purchase a discounted plan while their current plan is still active. holds full discretion to change T&Cs and pricing at any time for any reason.