Below is a reference to markdown syntax, the first part of each will have the markdown syntax followed by what it looks like on the browser.
Consecutive lines of text are considered to be one paragraph. As with other block level elements you have to add a blank line to separate it from the following block-level element:
The first paragraph.
Another paragraph
Explicit line breaks in a paragraph can be made by using two spaces or two backslashes at the end of a line:
This is a paragraph
which contains a hard line break.
A header must always be preceded by a blank line except at the beginning of the document:
A blockquote is started using the > marker followed by an optional space. You can use any block-level elements inside a blockquote:
This is a blockquote
Can insert a horizontal rule(hr tag) using:
The above three asterisks will result in:
Ordered lists are started by using a number followed by a period, a space and then the list item text. The content of a list item consists of block-level elements. All lines which have the same indent as the text of the line with the list marker belong to the list item:
Will result in:
Unordered lists:
Will result in:
Will result in:
Lists can occur directly after other block-level elements, however, there has to be at least one blank line if you want to follow a paragraph with a list.
Unordered lists are started by using an asterisk, a dash or a plus sign (they can be mixed) and a space. Apart from that unordered lists follow the same rules as ordered lists:
Will result in:
This is a term
Strong emphasis can be done by doubling the delimiters:
This is strong
A simple | table |
with multiple | lines |
Table with header and footer:
Header1 | Header2 | Header3 |
element1 | element2 | element3 |
element1 | element2 | element3 |
Foot1 | Foot2 | Foot3 |
Use block-level HTML tags (div, p, pre, …) to markup whole blocks of text – just start a line with a block-level HTML tag. kramdown syntax is normally not processed inside an HTML tag but this can be changed with the parse_block_html option. If this options is set to true, then the content of a block-level HTML tag is parsed by kramdown either as block level or span-level text, depending on the tag:
Will result in:
Something that stays right and is not wrapped in a para.
This is wrapped in a para.
This can contain only span level elements.
A simple link can be created by surrounding the text with square brackets and the link URL with parentheses:
Will result in :
A link to the Flatmates homepage.
There is another way to create links which does not interrupt the text flow. The URL and title for the link are defined using a reference name and this reference name is then used in square brackets instead of the link URL:
A link to the homepage.
If the link text itself is the reference name, the second set of square brackets can be omitted:
A link to the Flatmates homepage.
Images can be created in a similar way: just use an exclamation mark before the square brackets. The link text will become the alternative text of the image and the link URL specifies the image source:
An image:
An optional image caption or credit can be added. This is a small grey text which is right hand justified and sits close to the bottom of the image.
Text phrases can be easily marked up as code by surrounding them with backticks:
is marked up as code
To use footnotes, set a footnote marker (consists of square brackets with a caret and the footnote name inside) in the text and somewhere else the footnote definition (which basically looks like a reference link definition):
This is a text with a footnote1.
This is written in red.
For existing articles, to fix the auto ids that were generated for html headings like h1, just edit and save the article.
And here is the definition. ↩