Monday August 3 2015
Image by Ryan McGuire
Share accommodation offers the opportunity for individuals to lower their energy use, both benefiting their wallet and the environment.
In 2012, ABS data revealed the amount of energy, in dollar terms, different households use. Group households had an average expenditure of $36 per week. Family homes came in on top at $51 p.w. and lone households at $26 p.w. The national average was $39.
According to data, the average Australian share house consists of three people, meaning share accommodation represents an energy saving of over 50% compared to lone households.
While affordability is often the driving force behind share accommodation, it is important to note the environmental benefits of sharing resources, as you use half as much energy when you live with other people.
General Manager of Thomas Clement agreed that share accommodation has numerous positive impacts.
“By sharing household amenities people are not only spending less on energy, but they are using less energy which is great for the environment.”
A person’s average energy consumption is severely reduced in a share house because more people are using high-energy appliances. For example, you can share loads of washing, meaning the washing machine is used in a more energy-efficient manner.
Share accommodation represents a more friendly way of living for both the environment and your wallet as it encourages the sustainable use of resources for a greater amount of people.
Here are some extra tips to help further reduce your energy consumption:
Turn off lights when you aren’t using them. Yes, it’s common sense, but lighting a property accounts for 11% of energy consumption.
Cold water wash. 90% of the energy used in a washing cycle is used to heat the water. It is estimated cold water washes produce 12% of the emissions hot water washes do.
Unplug appliances you aren’t using. Appliances relying on standby energy account for approximately 5% of the energy bill.