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Australia's cheapest beachside suburbs

Dreaming of living by the beach this summer? Apparently you’re not alone, with recent data from showing that more people are currently searching in beachside suburbs than tradit...

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Melbourne's most valuable spare rooms

Another year has come, and like most people you’ve probably set some awesome new years resolutions. New year, new me and all that jazz. Maybe you’ve been sensible and decided you’ll pay down tha...

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Brisbane's most valuable spare rooms

Another year has come, and like most people you’ve probably set some awesome new years resolutions. New year, new me and all that jazz. Maybe you’ve been sensible and decided you’ll pay down tha...

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Sydney's most valuable spare rooms

Another year has come, and like most people you’ve probably set some awesome new years resolutions. New year, new me and all that jazz. Maybe you’ve been sensible and decided you’ll pay down tha...

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19 tweets that prove your flatmates are actually family

Having flatmates can evoke a varied range of emotions in you. Sometimes you’ll be happy, occasionally you’ll be furious and other times you’ll be completely bemused. Most importantly, however, is l...

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Then vs. now: how technology changed the share house

Along with technology, share homes are evolving. Then, it was a simpler time with landline phones, flatmate agencies and coloured sticky-notes called a Post-it. Now, it’s all high-tech, with bil...

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Brisbane Rent Map

Searching for a new place? Finding something within budget can be a struggle for anyone looking to rent in Brisbane—especially if you need to be close to good public transport. To save you the tr...

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Gifts to gift your share house this gift-giving season

It’s that time of year again — with the crowds, maxed-out credit cards, and probing questions from Aunt Linda over a hot lunch.  It’s also the time of year for gift giving. So, rather than splas...

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Melbourne Rent Map

Looking for a new place? Finding something within budget can be a struggle for anyone looking to rent in Melbourne—especially if you need to be close to good public transport. To save you the tro...

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The cost of renting a room in a larger share house

It’s pretty common knowledge that living in a share house is the best way to cut back on the biggest drain on your bank account— rent.
 In a recent article by Domain News, it was revealed that r...

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Sydney Rent Map

Looking for a new place? Finding something within budget can be a struggle for anyone looking to rent in Sydney—especially if you need to be close to good transport. To save you the hassle we’ve ...

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