Press Release

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Sydney home to 98 of 100 most expensive share suburbs

Latest data from has revealed Australia’s most expensive share accommodation suburbs, with Sydney taking out a whopping 98 of the top 100 spots. Darling Point claimed the title of...

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Australia's most shared suburbs

The small inner city Sydney postcode of Chippendale – Darlington has been revealed as Australia’s most shared, according to recent analysis by The data revealed that 22% or just ...

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Average age of sharers increase in 2016

Released: 15 MAR 2016 Latest data from shows the average age of someone looking to live in share accommodation has increased due to growing interest from over 40s. In January and...

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LGBTI sharers look to northern suburbs

A growing number of Sydney’s LGBTI sharers are shunning so called ‘gay villages’ in favour of the beach and the North Shore, according to the latest data from In the first few mo...

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Sharers eye beachside suburbs in 2016

Data from searches performed on in the first weeks of 2016 have revealed the the most popular suburbs for those looking to share. While these are not necessarily the suburbs with ...

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Renters flock to share amid affordability crisis

Australia’s largest share accommodation site,, says they are currently experiencing a record number of people seeking rooms despite being three months out from the traditional peak...

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Sydney CBD average room rents drop 16%

Data released by has revealed that room rents in Sydney CBD have dropped a whopping 16.25% year on year, from an average of $379.28 per week to $317.67. Woollahra room rents saw t...

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Australia’s most competitive share accommodation suburbs

Data from has revealed Australia’s most sought after share accommodation suburbs, with Melbourne’s Fitzroy being the most hotly contested. The Victorian capital featured three sub...

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MELBOURNE: Share accommodation booms in Melbourne

Data released by has found that shared accommodation grew rapidly in Melbourne over the past year, potentially spurred on by the increased costs of living and renting. New room li...

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Individual room lets could increase rental yields by up to 27%

Data released by Australia’s largest share accommodation site show landlords could increase rental yields in Melbourne by up to 27% through letting individual rooms. made the find...

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Share accommodation booming in Brisbane

Shared living is on the rise in Brisbane according to the latest data released from Australia’s biggest share accommodation site New listings on the site have surged 140% in the ...

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