$225/week•83 year old woman
Occupancy period: 6 months at least
Prefer to remain in Adelaide Hills if possible.
Clean, organics,-non-meat eater, house plant tenderer, animal lover/caring, quiet, not talkative; non-smoker; non-alcoholic
HOBBIES: Antiquarian book repairs, jewelry repairs/creations, artistic, sewing, wildlife & habitat preservation, garden-savvy, classical or soft music, books,
bi-lingual in French and English; tolerable in German and smattering of Russian
Need office footprint for special desk & chair, file cabinet, desktop/printer/s area; WiFi plug-in for provided service or own IP subscription.
Family on maternal side settled in Australia 1940s and 1950s.
Family on Fathers side Welsh and Huguenot ancestry to US.
Father served in translation dept. for US Navy during WWII.
Online researcher of areas that matter; follow media reports/feeds, reader of special book topics
Former life exposures: horsewoman, ballet dancer, versed in the Hollywood film scene. BA degree in French and almost a second in Theatre/drama
Tolerant of all peoples, cultures, empathic toward the underdog, disenfranchised, the persecuted. Non-Catholic Christian
No parking required. Must be on bus routes
Available 10 January 2025