How to conduct a video tour



Ever wanted to star in your own episode of MTV’s Cribs? Well now’s your chance. Create your own video tour of your home and your flatmates to help replace the need for in-person inspections.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve been advised by both state and federal governments to avoid public gatherings to help stop the spread of the virus. This can make house inspections a bit tricky as inviting strangers into your home can seem a little counterintuitive. Lucky for you, we have introduced Flatmates’ video tours! 

It’s as simple as filming yourself and your share house, uploading the video to Youtube and then embedding the video to your profile. You can then share the video with any potential flatmate that you would normally invite to an in-person inspection. The video will need to be set as “public” or “unlisted” to enable the video to be shared on our site.

Sounds tricky, but we’ve got a step-by-step guide for you below:

The tour

Take your potential flatmates on a virtual tour of your home. Make it creative and show as much of your property as possible so your potential flatmate can get a good feel for the vibe of your place. 

Hot Tip
Avoid showing the front of your property to maintain your privacy.

Start the video in the spare room currently for rent. Talk about the features of the room - what the light is like (morning or afternoon sun), is there a built in robe, how big is the space, what furniture could “comfortably” fit in. These are the kind of questions people would be asking if they were inspecting the room in-person.

Head to other communal spaces in the  house. In the bathroom, talk through your bathroom dos and don’ts - do you have a shower schedule? Does the hot tap not work if the dishwasher is on? Make it fun. Follow these same steps for the other areas of your home. 

Hot Tip
Natural light and natural you is best. Don’t worry if you muck up! 

Roll call! 

Introduce your flatmates! Your video should be an introduction to your home and the people that live there. Do you have any household activities that you all participate in? Family dinners? Weekly Thursday night Mario Kart play offs? 

Hot Tip
Keep it short and sweet but take your time with those sweeping shots. You don’t want to make your new flatmate dizzy.

Try answering these questions in your video. Extra points if you can make it fun: 
What is your work situation like? (WFH, going to work, Job Keeper, unemployed etc)
What is your day-to-day like? 
Outside of Covid-19, what are your favourite things to do? 
What are you looking for in a flatmate?
What are your pet peeves when it comes to shared living? (Wet towels on the floor, dishes in the sink etc)

Upload time

  1. Upload the video to your Youtube account.
  2. Once the video has been successfully uploaded, you can copy the embedded link and place this on your Flatmates account.
  3. You will be able to share your video tour with potential Flatmates via our “messages” tab.
  4. Simply start a conversation with a member and select the “share video tour” pill at the top of your messaging box.

Hot Tip
Shoot in landscape so your video fits the screen better.

In-person inspection tips: 

Once your potential flatmate has checked out your inspections video and you’re both keen to meet in person, its time for your real life inspection. You can read more on how to conduct a tour during COVID here, but we do have some hot tips below:

  • Leave the doors open so the person inspecting doesn’t have to touch door knobs.  

  • Don’t shake hands

  • If your flatmates want to meet as well, just remind everyone to keep a 1.5m distance. 

  • Please don’t come if you’re sick and don’t let an in-person inspection occur if you or your current flatmates are feeling unwell. 

At this stage we’re only able to support Youtube embedded links. This may change in the future so watch this space. If you’ve lost your job due to COVID-19 and can’t pay your rent, check out our article on the eviction moratorium.




Claudia is Flatmates' Associate Product Manager and looks after our Flatmates Community. She loves her share house, her plants and her side-hustles.